A Walk with Mystery

Clouds of mist from the rain;
a jungle of thorny nettle.
The trees are thin and died long ago,
broken off at 6 feet,
Walking through, stomping with heavy feet:
an earthquake to the carpenter ants scurrying along their way.
I can’t avoid stepping on them, they’re everywhere.
No doubt, I left some unintentional carnage behind.
Doesn’t everyone?

Creating Reality is Like Weed Whacking

“Creating reality” creates an artificial reality.

Creating reality is like weed whacking. Your creations are artificial constructs. The weeds are reality. You can maintain your artificial construct as long as you perform maintenance and keep cutting the weeds.

However, the moment you take your finger off the trigger, your creations come to a halt and reality takes over.

That’s an exhausting way to live. Yet humanity is obsessed with this process.

Reality, on the other hand, may not be all roses, but it’s truly effortless. In fact, if you sat down on the couch and never moved so much as a finger ever again, the sun would still rise, the moon would still set, and life would continue.


Angels Are God’s Hands

He sits before a tangled road;
a trampled path so trodden.
leaves have all grown black and dead –
lost and long forgotten.

Beyond the blackened entry way
sit faith and premonition.
angel’s breath does block the sound
of failed destination.

Once he sat before this path
so many years before;
leaves were proudly dancing green
and paved the way with Lore.

Angels filled the sky above
with wings so pure and grand.
he wished for peace to find him soon;
for love to take his hand.

‘Twas no surprise to him, you see,
for faith had led him there.
the angels sought to bring him love,
but said he must beware.

God so gave this man a choice:
“watch the angels fly;
let them be the ones to choose,
and none will pass ye by.”

He showed the man a life of love;
the happiness he craved.
every dream had been fulfilled –
he lived a life unscathed.

“But Angels are the hands of God
and if you pull one down,
I’ll seal the path I’ve shown to you
without so much a sound.”

Pain and Suffering IS the Human Experience

Believing “I create my own reality” was a fun adventure, but it ultimately ended in the realization that the “I” is not doing any of the creating. Furthermore, any Law of Attraction teaching that gets more complex than “the art of allowing” is just another aspect of Maya (illusion).

When you successfully create pieces of your reality, you think you’ve escaped the trap. You think the trap was your limitation. The truth is, the trap is thinking there’s something to escape from in the first place…

Here’s the catch. Teachers tell their students the personality isn’t creating; it’s the subconscious, the mind of God, the Void, that creates. Did anyone catch that? Read that again.

It’s important to be honest about what’s actually true versus what is just a belief. Beliefs are dangerous because we stake our lives on them when they aren’t even true.

No belief is true. You only believe something until something happens that proves you wrong. Then you adopt another belief. That’s not truth. Truth is unchanging and needs no explanation.

The key to enjoying life is to not get stuck in the experience. Any experience. Good or bad. The personality doesn’t create anything, but it’s certainly going to like and dislike what is.

We want to think the personality creates because that belief maintains the illusion of control, the illusion that life is about the personality. The illusion that life is for the personality.

Law of Attraction teachings train our personalities into the mindset that seeking comfort is the right thing to do, that it’s a better choice than not seeking comfort. These teachings train our personalities into the habit of pursuing desires that only get bigger, and if we aren’t good at manifesting, the desires get more desperate.

In desperation, that’s when we have the biggest opportunity to wake up. When we can’t manifest our desires, we’re more apt to question what’s really going on. And that’s the point. That’s why we can’t manifest. That’s why Maya is out there trying to sucker us into another weekend Law of Attraction training course for just 3 payments of $997. The point isn’t to get good at manifesting – the point is to realize we’re not manifesting anything. At that point, awakening is right around the corner…

The idea that the personality is in charge and can create anything it wants keeps us focused on wanting only desirable experiences. Bigger, better, faster, stronger. The misperception that the personality can create maintains the false belief that we can control everything, that we SHOULD control everything.

Investing in this false belief causes us to reject and resist the undesirable aspects of life, aka reality. Once reality is out of the picture, we start on a path to escape pain, old age, and death. Just like the so-called masters… or are they?

The desire to control everything and stay comfortable prevents awakening. To have only desirable experiences is contrary to life. Yet nobody ever eliminates the unwanted no matter how good they are at manifesting parking spaces and winning the lottery.

Everyone is subject to ups and downs, yet it’s the part of life we deny and reject and strive to escape. We’re insane. We’re absolutely insane. Pain and suffering isn’t just an integral part of the human experience – pain and suffering IS the human experience.

Great Loss

“Great loss is not designed to beat you down and make you stronger so you can rise up and persevere. It’s designed to make you give up the struggle and denial; to acknowledge the reality of impermanence and limitation; to break your attachments where they are most intense; to get you to see, perhaps for the first time, what’s actually going on and why things are the way they are.”