You’re Sitting in the Back Seat

The belief that one ought to have goals to strive for is at the heart of suffering. Some spend their whole lives caught in a compulsory cycle of desperation to achieve something in life, as if the marvelous fact that they exist isn’t enough.

We live in a world of go-getting motivational marketers, pushing action on the world as their drug of choice.

Life is simple. Nothing needs to be done. Nothing is urgent.

Actions which change the fate of nations are indeed no different than no action at all.

We have the freedom to choose the context of our lives and create whatever meanings we wish. And those who choose stillness and silence for their lives are just as important as those who feed ten million starving people across the world. There is no importance or unimportance in either. They just are.

Striving for achievement is an illusion. It’s simply our identity attempting to reinforce itself through yet another channel. And we don’t notice because at our core we believe we ought to be doing something with our lives.

Freedom lies in the realization that you don’t need to achieve anything to be worthy of existing. Your task is to hold the space for experience. You’re not a doer, you’re a watcher. You just haven’t realized you’ve been given a fake, plastic steering wheel. You think you’re driving the car, when you’re actually sitting in the back seat…

Go Back to Sleep

Everyone holds in high regard, those who “dream big,” “have goals,” and want to “achieve success” in some way. Our entire society is centered around this mindset.

I invite you to consider that this mindset creates and perpetuates the feeling of, “not enough.”

Who is to say that having dreams and goals is optimal, while living each day as it is, without a goal in sight is less than optimal?

We live in a society that pushes perpetual goal setting, and those with goals are identified as “intelligent,” “brilliant,” and “important.”

We encourage and support each other most when we’re chasing dreams outside of ourselves. Building businesses to feed people, earning college degrees, losing weight, making money, being a contribution to the world… those are admirable pursuits.

What about those who don’t do those things? They don’t get so much attention. Who encourages someone to do nothing?

Ask someone what their vision is for their future and if they tell you they have none, you might be quick to think they’re a loser.

What if pursuing goals is a sham? An illusion designed to keep you tied to the physical world to keep striving for more and more and more… to distract you from knowing the Truth.

What if you already are a contribution to the world just by existing?

What if you’re not a contribution to the world and that’s perfect?

What if there’s no such thing as being a contribution to the world because the world doesn’t need a contribution because it’s already the contribution itself?

What if just existing is all there is to do and goals and dreams are meaningless?

What if complete satisfaction begins where the desire to be more ends?

What would you have to give up to rest in such a complete place?

Who would you be if you had nothing left to pursue, no desires, and had no vested interest in the outcome of your own life or the world?

What if dropping your attachment to outcomes is the necessary ingredient to achieve lasting contentment?

Struggle, struggle, sleep, sleep. Open one eye – go back to sleep. Strive, strive, sleep. Open the other eye – go back to sleep.

Throw the Baby Out with the Bath Water

Everyone says, “don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.” And when the awakening process began, I wrestled with all these spiritual teachings, teachers, ideas, concepts, trying my damndest not to throw that baby out. But that baby had to go.

That’s the only way you’ll reach truth. Realize truth. You have to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Drain the tub and let that baby spiral down into the great black hole of nothing forever.

Holding onto that baby when you drain the tub is like holding onto false beliefs while you stare truth in the face. You’ll never recognize truth while you’re holding that baby.

You Cannot Escape the Matrix

“You want to escape the Matrix. Enlightenment is the truth of knowing you can’t. You only have two choices in life: you can play the game or not, play your part or not.

The moment you escape the Matrix, you become not you.

When you become not you, you aren’t playing the game… because you must be you to play the game.

When you aren’t you, theres no game. You disappear. Karma disappears. The idea of reincarnation disappears. Who is there to reincarnate?

You are the matrix. You cannot escape what you are.”

Creating Reality is Like Weed Whacking

“Creating reality” creates an artificial reality.

Creating reality is like weed whacking. Your creations are artificial constructs. The weeds are reality. You can maintain your artificial construct as long as you perform maintenance and keep cutting the weeds.

However, the moment you take your finger off the trigger, your creations come to a halt and reality takes over.

That’s an exhausting way to live. Yet humanity is obsessed with this process.

Reality, on the other hand, may not be all roses, but it’s truly effortless. In fact, if you sat down on the couch and never moved so much as a finger ever again, the sun would still rise, the moon would still set, and life would continue.


Pain and Suffering IS the Human Experience

Believing “I create my own reality” was a fun adventure, but it ultimately ended in the realization that the “I” is not doing any of the creating. Furthermore, any Law of Attraction teaching that gets more complex than “the art of allowing” is just another aspect of Maya (illusion).

When you successfully create pieces of your reality, you think you’ve escaped the trap. You think the trap was your limitation. The truth is, the trap is thinking there’s something to escape from in the first place…

Here’s the catch. Teachers tell their students the personality isn’t creating; it’s the subconscious, the mind of God, the Void, that creates. Did anyone catch that? Read that again.

It’s important to be honest about what’s actually true versus what is just a belief. Beliefs are dangerous because we stake our lives on them when they aren’t even true.

No belief is true. You only believe something until something happens that proves you wrong. Then you adopt another belief. That’s not truth. Truth is unchanging and needs no explanation.

The key to enjoying life is to not get stuck in the experience. Any experience. Good or bad. The personality doesn’t create anything, but it’s certainly going to like and dislike what is.

We want to think the personality creates because that belief maintains the illusion of control, the illusion that life is about the personality. The illusion that life is for the personality.

Law of Attraction teachings train our personalities into the mindset that seeking comfort is the right thing to do, that it’s a better choice than not seeking comfort. These teachings train our personalities into the habit of pursuing desires that only get bigger, and if we aren’t good at manifesting, the desires get more desperate.

In desperation, that’s when we have the biggest opportunity to wake up. When we can’t manifest our desires, we’re more apt to question what’s really going on. And that’s the point. That’s why we can’t manifest. That’s why Maya is out there trying to sucker us into another weekend Law of Attraction training course for just 3 payments of $997. The point isn’t to get good at manifesting – the point is to realize we’re not manifesting anything. At that point, awakening is right around the corner…

The idea that the personality is in charge and can create anything it wants keeps us focused on wanting only desirable experiences. Bigger, better, faster, stronger. The misperception that the personality can create maintains the false belief that we can control everything, that we SHOULD control everything.

Investing in this false belief causes us to reject and resist the undesirable aspects of life, aka reality. Once reality is out of the picture, we start on a path to escape pain, old age, and death. Just like the so-called masters… or are they?

The desire to control everything and stay comfortable prevents awakening. To have only desirable experiences is contrary to life. Yet nobody ever eliminates the unwanted no matter how good they are at manifesting parking spaces and winning the lottery.

Everyone is subject to ups and downs, yet it’s the part of life we deny and reject and strive to escape. We’re insane. We’re absolutely insane. Pain and suffering isn’t just an integral part of the human experience – pain and suffering IS the human experience.

I Throw My Relationships Off a Cliff Before They Begin

We’re sitting on a dirt shoulder on the face of a mountain watching a spectacular sunset; dancing hues of red and orange shine through passing clouds. A radiant ball of light reaches for the highest peak while I adjust my legs underneath my pillow and reach for my glass of wine.

I’m sitting across from her and we’re talking. I tell her my secret – that in my mind, I experience a dramatic, depressing, devastating, classically tragic romance that crashes and burns with everyone I meet. Its just chemistry, I say, there’s no reason for any of it, at least, not that I’ve found. So I figure crash and burn before it starts. Get it out of the way. Experience the end, mourn it now.

She looks at me sideways.

“You’re a little odd, but… weird looks good on you.”

“So you experience an entire relationship with everyone you meet and it always crashes and burns? Why not make it a happy outcome, you know?” She looks genuinely confused.

“If I made it end well,” I say, “the real script might not go that way. Everyone loves a happy ending. Making it crash and burns ensures I’m already complete with the unwanted ending. So it doesn’t matter how it really ends.” I smile.

“So you wouldn’t be upset if our relationship crashed and burned?” She looks even more confused.

“What relationship doesn’t end unexpectedly? Even when you know they’re doomed, you never know when they’re going to end. There’s always a glimmer of salvation that never pans out, and one day, bam, it’s over. The person you trusted with your life, the person you were so close to just disappears from your life forever.” I take a quick sip of wine.

“You really feel it when you get sick and there’s no one there to hug or to bring you soup. Or when you come home from work and there’s no one there to cook dinner for. No matter how bad it is, you never expect it to end. You could be two peas in a pod and have the best relationship in the world with open communication and total commitment, and something unexpected will make it end. So, experience the end before it begins and it won’t matter how it really ends.” I pause.

“Ah.” She says. “Does that mean you’ve already experienced us having a crash and burn relationship?”

“Yep. Absolutely,” I say, casually pouring another glass of wine.

“Really? how did it end?” A slight smile reveals her curiosity.

“Hmm…” I take another sip of wine. “It started off great. But then after it got comfortable I stopped doing dishes out of laziness and you got mad. I found out some random dude you met at the club kissed you on our anniversary, and I got mad. I became a major asshole after that and you lost interest. You said I wasn’t the same guy you met 10 years ago.”

I take another sip, surveying the valley of the mountainside below, watching her reaction out of the corner of my eye.

“You got tired of being the breadwinner and supporting my JNCO jeans habit, so we decided that was it. We were done. It was really tragic, you know, because we were so close in the beginning. Kind of like we are right now.”

She looks at me with a combination of curiosity and intrigue. “We were together for ten years? Did you ever remarry?”

“Marry?” I say. “Oh, we were never married. I’m not a marriage sort of guy.”

With her, I feel only heart-centered connectedness and I keep looking for some hidden want or need but I always come up empty handed. That’s why I don’t say anything. There’s no need. I’m content to just admire her genius from whatever distance she’s comfortable with allowing me into her space. I don’t even feel the need to give endlessly. I know that to be just another form of selfishness.

Still, somewhere, in the back of my mind I can’t help but wonder… what if? My rational mind always brings me back to reality. No, Dan. It’s a certain improbability.

The odds that are in my favor are the crash-and-burn odds. The odds that say I’ll be seen as interesting despite the obvious incompatibility, which will be suppressed long enough to create and explore that curiosity and then eventually that incompatibility will resurface, take precedence, and then I’m out the window like yesterday’s trash.


Why is tragic romance satisfying? Because it’s real. All that fluffy bullshit isn’t. Real people crash and burn; they don’t ride ponies with half-naked men into the forest of eternity where they’re fed grapes and fanned by more naked people. How being fed grapes by naked people became anyone’s fantasy, I’ll never know.

I was complete with the end of that relationship because I gave it my all. I didn’t hold back. I knew I was going into a crash and burn situation, but I went all-in. Not because I wanted a particular outcome. I wanted something real. And what’s real is experience in the now. Right here. Right now. It doesn’t matter if, when, or how things end. It’s all about the experience. You’re either all in, or you’re all out. There’s nothing in-between.

What makes us love someone with all of our being? What makes us risk being vulnerable? Is it only worth being vulnerable when you know the story will be your “happy ever after?”

Is it possible that love itself is made of tiny moments of vulnerability? That outcome has nothing to do with the purpose of loving another human being? So what if your relationship crashes and burns. That’s inevitable. That’s a given. Anyone who tells you otherwise is blowing smoke up your ass.

What isn’t inevitable is having an authentic relationship with someone where you don’t hold back, where you don’t allow your trauma and fear to drive your decisions.

Who would you be if you loved people without reservation? You just might fall in love with the world.